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3 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Trends You Must Apply to Your Home

When it comes to home remodeling projects, you do not want to be behind the trends. The last thing that needs to happen after spending all this time figuring out your idea, budgeting, and having it implemented in your home is to find out that it is no longer in style. Now you have a kitchen that is so last year and you are out of a good chunk of change. If you are going to break the bank on this endeavor, make sure you are with the times. Curious about what is hot and what is not? Stop your searching, as our team at Modern Kitchens & Baths have compiled a list of the top kitchen remodeling trends for 2023 that will have your room looking more modern than ever.

get Unique with your cabinets

According to Good Housekeeping, a great way to add a splash of life to your kitchen is switching out our current cabinets for more eye-catching ones. This is a moment for you to experiment a little bit and go out of your comfort zone. While you can stick with a traditional look, why not step away from what you are used to and add a set of cabinets that turn heads. These bold designs will add a great amount of depth to your kitchen without having to overhaul everything.

3 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Trends You Must Apply to Your Home 1

Go big with an expansive kitchen

Better Homes & Gardens knows best with this idea. You should not just limit your home to having just one room specific for whatever you need to do. By coupling your kitchen with other facets of your home, you are essentially giving yourself more space to operate without having to truly expand your house. You should not feel confined in a place that is meant to be comforting, so allow yourself the chance to flow throughout your home by incorporating your kitchen’s scope beyond just one area.

Step Outside

As a growing trend for some time now, the idea of an outdoor kitchen is at this point a staple in many home remodeling projects. With summer right around the corner, what better way to get yourself outdoors more than by adding this fixture. You will notice a decrease in electric bills, better quality food, and more space to entertain guests for this year’s barbecues. And to top it off, you can keep the pungent smells of certain foods outdoors.

Regardless of the trend that best suits you, trust Modern Kitchens & Baths to make it become a reality. To get the process started, reach out via our contact page.